With the monsoon upon us, all of the outdoor workouts have been moved inside, witht the exception of the 5:30am Boot Camp. The change has been a welcome one as we can now focus on getting through the workout, not just surviving the heat. A few pictures from the new studio:

This weeks workouts so far:
Monday- 20 sit ups, 15 squats, 10 push ups and run 1/4 mile - as many rounds in 30 minutes as possible. A good challenge, with everyone completing at least four rounds, a few completing 6.

Tuesday - a workout inspired by the recent Crossfit games. 3 sets of 5 deadlifts, each set increasing in weight followed by 10 burpess. This combination was performed 5 times. It was a rough one with many reports of sore glutes in the following days.

Wednesday - A long circuit that consisted of: Dumbbell snatches, bent rows, shoulder presses, rowing machine, upright rows, bench dips, step ups and slege hammer on tire. Each exercise was performed for one minute, with no break other than the time it took to move to the next exercise. At the end of the circuit there was a two minute rest. The circuit was performed 4 times.

Today - A lot of core work, variations of planks and push ups, followed by interval cardio, sprints for the outdoor group, tabata thrusters and tabata high pullls for the indoor group.