Kettlenetics Complex 60 seconds: see video
High Speed Standing Press: see video
FxT is Functional Cross Training that incorporates kettlebells, calisthenics, Olympic weightlifting, sprinting, agility drills, metabolic conditioning and core strengthening to provide you with unprecedented levels of strength, endurance and mobility.
Leg Press (3.5 times bodyweight)
Pull Up (weighted if appropriate )
7 Hang Cleans (men 135#, women 95#)
7 Burpees
7 Deadlifts (men 225#, women 185#)
25 Sledgehammer right
25 Sledgehammer middle
25 Sledgehammer left
25 Wall Ball
Tabata on the Airdyne
Legs only 20 seconds
10 seconds rest
Arms only 20 seconds
10 seconds rest
Arms and Legs 20 seconds
10 seconds rest
X 4
4 Rounds
9 Muscle Clean and Press( Men 115lbs, Women 75lbs, Adjust weight to ability )
Row 1 One Minute
9 Front Squats ( Men 135lbs, Women 95lbs, Adjust weight to ability )
30 Kettlebell Swings (Men 53lbs Women 35lbs, Adjust weigt to ability)
9 Power Snatches (Men 95lbs, Women 65lbs, Adjust weight to ability )
15 Burpees
30 Seconds Work /20 Seconds Rest
5 Rounds, One Minute Rest Between Rounds
Hanmer Drives
Squat Jumps
Battle Rope
Power Snatch
Super Plank
Five rounds
30 seconds work/10 seconds rest
Hang Power Clean and Press
Hang Clean
Hang High Pull
Squat Press
Follow each round with 60 seconds hard on the Airdyne