30 seconds work
15 seconds rest
Goblet Squat Press
Russian Twist
Shooter's Plank
Alternating Reverse Lunge
Weighted Hollow
FxT is Functional Cross Training that incorporates kettlebells, calisthenics, Olympic weightlifting, sprinting, agility drills, metabolic conditioning and core strengthening to provide you with unprecedented levels of strength, endurance and mobility.
30 seconds work
15 seconds rest
Goblet Squat Press
Russian Twist
Shooter's Plank
Alternating Reverse Lunge
Weighted Hollow
8 Hang Cleans
150 Jump Rope
20 Push ups
× 5
Tabata Barbell Thruster/DLHP Combo
5-4-3-2-1 TGU each side
10-8-6-4-2 Clean and Press each side
15-12-9-6-3 Snatches each side
20-16-12-8-4 American Swings
With two dumbbells:
8 Bulgarian Squats each leg
8 Stiff Leg Deadlifts
8 Reverse Lunges each leg
8 Split RDL's
8 Step Ups each leg
8 Shoulder Squats
Bench Press
T-Bar Rows
60 seconds Airdyne after each set
10 Battle Rope Squats
8 Inchworms
30 Battle Rope Squat Holds
8 Super Planks
10 Battle Rope Squat Jumps
8 Burpees
30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest.
5 rounds.
Rope Double Wave
Alternating Rope Wave
Belly Buster
Rope Snakes
Super Planks
60 seconds rest and repeat
6 Db Cleans
6 Presses
6 Suitcase Sqaut Jumps
6 Bent Rows
6 Shoulder Squats
Press/Squat/Squat Press 1-2-3-4-5
High Pull/Suitcase/Suitcase High Pull 1-2-3-4-5
100 Jump Rope