Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Workout for Friday, July 1st.

10 Minutes AMRAP

100 Jump Rope                       

20 Wall Ball

10 minutes AMRAP

20 Slams

20 Modified Pull Ups

10 Minutes AMRAP

One Turkish Get Up/Windmill each side.

The Work Out for Thursday June 30th

Cleans 5x3 increase weight each set


Five Rounds

5 Clean High Pulls

25 Tire Sit Ups

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Workout for Wedneday June 29th

Three Rounds

25 Sledgehammer strikes-right hand

10 Kettlebell Clean and Jerks-right hand

20 Step Ups-right leg

25 Sledgehammer strikes-left hand

10 Kettlebell Cleans-left hand

20 Step Ups-left leg


Three rounds 

20 Hammer Drives

10 Swing Flip Squats

5 Burpees

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Workout for Tuesday June 28th

Dumbbell Thrusters
Pull Ups
Dumbbell Deadlift High Pull

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Workout for Monday June 27th

Agility Ladder x 5

30 seconds work/15 seconds rest x4 of

Side Split Jumps

Plank Side Walk

Agility Ladder x 5

30 seconds work/15 seconds x 4 of

Jumping Skiers

Super Planks

Agility Ladder x 5

30 seconds work/15 seconds rest x 4 of

Split Burpees

Agility Ladder x 5

30 seconds work/15 seconds rest x 4 of

Strict Burpees

The Workout for Monday June 27th

Agility Ladder x 5

30 seconds work/15 seconds rest x4 of

Side Split Jumps

Plank Side Walk

Agility Ladder x 5

30 seconds work/15 seconds x 4 of

Jumping Skiers

Super Planks

Agility Ladder x 5

30 seconds work/15 seconds rest x 4 of

Split Burpees

Agility Ladder x 5

30 seconds work/15 seconds rest x 4 of

Strict Burpees

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Workout for Friday June 24th

Kettlebell Complexes

Three Rounds

1 Turkish Get Up/5 Snatches X 3 each side

Lunge Chop/Squat Press each side X 10

High Pull/Clean/Side Press X 5

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Work Out for Thursday June 23rd

Tabata Tap Squats

Tabata Squat Thrusts

Tabata Push Ups

Tabata Mountain Hoppers

Tabata Squat Jumps


Most of us are under the misconception that fit people work hard and spend most of their lives deprived in order to achieve their amazing bodies.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I'll let you in on a little secret...It's not hard to get and stay fit. It's not about hard work and deprivation.

It's all about boundaries.

Let me explain...

When you were a child your parents set boundaries around you. They were the authority on what was or wasn't acceptable behavior. You had to complete your chores before dinner. You had to finish your homework before going out to play. You had to eat all your vegetables before dessert.

If you failed to comply with these boundaries then you knew that there would be consequences.

As an adult you, and only you, are the authority on what is or isn't acceptable behavior. You are in the position to set boundaries around yourself. These boundaries serve as a framework of order around you - a rock of support in an otherwise chaotic world.

With self-imposed boundaries you can assure your success in anything...specifically with weight loss.

Your fitness boundaries have to be self-imposed—no one is going to do it for you. Don't look at this as a bad thing! Self-imposed boundaries are self-empowering.

Let's face it, you've been living life without fitness boundaries.
  • You eat whatever you want, whenever you want it.
  • You use any excuse to avoid exercise.
  • You indulge whenever it feels good.
Your Fitness Boundaries

It's time to introduce boundaries back into your life. These boundaries are the key to unleashing your ideal fit and healthy body.

1. Fitness Boundary One: What you eat

If you were to be perfectly honest with me, you could list off the foods that are unhealthy and fattening. So why are you still eating them? You know that refined, fried, processed and sugary foods are not good for you.

Place boundaries around what you will allow yourself to eat. Acceptable food items include whole foods, vegetables, fruits, and lean meats.

2. Fitness Boundary Two: How you exercise

I know that you're not an Olympic athlete, but that doesn't mean that you can simply pass on exercise. By now you are well aware of the host of benefits that exercise provides. With regular exercise you'll look great, feel amazing and have more energy than ever.

Place boundaries around how often you must exercise. Choose exercise that is challenging and fun - don't be afraid to try new activities that improve your strength and endurance.

3. Fitness Boundary Three: When you indulge

Let's face it, we live in a world where indulging has become the norm, rather than the exception. When you live life without fitness boundaries, everyday is an opportunity to indulge. These indulgences all add up quickly, causing your clothes to become tight and your energy levels to drop.

Place boundaries around when you can indulge. You'll find that by limiting your indulgences you'll end up enjoying them even more.

Putting It In Action

Sit down and take a long, hard look at your lifestyle. Are you eating as healthy as you could be? Are you exercising 3-5 times each week? Are you indulging too often? Answer the following questions:

  1. What 3 food items can I eliminate from my daily diet? (These should be nutritionally void items like high-calories beverages, fast food, packaged snacks, high-fat food, candy or desserts.)
  2. When can I schedule exercise into my week? (Pick 3-5 days, and select a specific time frame. Example: I'm going to exercise on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 5am-6am.)
  3. When will I allow myself to indulge? (Don't go overboard here, especially if you need to lose weight. Enjoy a treat a couple times each month, and do so guilt-free knowing that you've maintained healthy food boundaries the rest of the time.
Remember that self-imposed boundaries are self-empowering.

Fitness boundaries put your fitness results on autopilot. If you know what constitutes an acceptable meal, then choosing what to eat just got a whole lot easier. If you're committed to exercising 3 times a week, soon it becomes second nature.

The Workout for Wedneday June 22nd

4 Rounds

20 Parallette Dips

12 DB Upright Rows

100 Jump Rope

4 Rounds

30 Jumping Pull Ups

12 DB Presses

100 Mountain Climbers

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Workout for Tuesday June21

It's a rare occasion that I borrow a workout from someone, but this one from the Spartan Race Workout of the Day was too good to pass up.

7 Rounds

4 Burpee Deadlifts

3 Burpee Power Cleans

2 Burpee Cleans (that means "with a squat")

1 Burpee Clean (see above) and Jerk

Looking forward to this one.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Stretching: If you should, and when you should

Some good advice on stretching from trainer Shin Otake of Max

Have you ever gotten a pesky injury from either a workout, playing sports, or some other activity?  Ugh, it just seems to nag and nag.  Sometimes it even goes in waves...  Like you're fine for a while and then, *BAM*, it's back again.  I know, it totally sucks. 

Then you start thinking back about what you could have done differently that could have prevented it in the first place -- and then it finally comes to mind... "Darn it, I knew I should have warmed up more."

Well, yes and no.

First of all, injuries can be pretty complicated and your lack of warming up may not totally be to blame, but one thing is for sure:  Warming up WILL help you reduce your risk of injury.  You need to get yourself moving and get that blood flowing to your muscles to properly prepare your body before you get all crazy with the dumbbells. 

Problem is, most people have been taught that stretching is part of warming-up.  After all, isn't that what they tell you to do when you take a fitness class at the gym?!  Lemme tell ya, that couldn't be further from the truth and it'll land you straight in the doctors office if you keep that up.

I even had a client a couple years ago who kept pulling his hamstring.  I asked him to stop stretching before working out and he wouldn't.  He just could couldn't buy into that idea - it didn't make sense to him because he didn't understand how the body works.  His old ways were too ingrained.  Well, he finally got fed up with the recurring (and painful!) injury and took my advice (it took some convincing).  And whaddaya know?  No more hamstring pulls.  Not a one since then.

Here's why:
#1 Stretching before your workout can increase your risk of injury:
There's a common misconception that stretching reduces your risk of injury by "loosening" up your muscles.  Well, it's not all wrong...static stretching can help elongate and relax your muscles, tendons, and ligaments.  But here's the catch: static stretching reduces your muscles' ability to contract

And since your muscles need to be ready to contract (concentrically and eccentrically) at vigorous rates as soon as you start exercising, you want them to be ready for action -- NOT in a long and relaxed state. You're much more likely to pull a muscle when you suddenly try and exert force (like lifting weights) from a relaxed state.  This is why static stretching is not the activity of choice prior to working out.#2 Stretching is NOT warming-up:
Your warm-up should be a lighter version of what your actual workout is going to be (I call it a "Dynamic Warm-Up".  For example, if one of the exercises you plan on doing is lunges with dumbbells, then make lunges without weight part of your warm-up.  You should do all the low-intensity versions of the exercises you'll be doing in your workout to properly prepare your muscles, ligaments and joints.  This is why it makes all the difference to plan what you're going to do before you go the gym ;-)

The whole point of warming up is to get your heart rate up, get your blood flowing and pump more oxygen to your muscles so you can prepare to dive into your workout.  If you stretch during your warm-up, you're going to let your heart rate back down and allow your muscles to relax...and "undo" what you were trying to accomplish in the first place!

When should you stretch?

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater...stretching is really important (I stretch everyday), but my point is you shouldn't do it until AFTER your workout.  I want you to have good flexibility because that helps reduce risk of injury too, but it's crucial that you don't work on it until after your workout when you're cooling down - that's the right time to lengthen and relax your muscles.

The Workout for Monday June 20th

5 Rounds

20 Squat Hops

20 Alternating Offset Push Ups

20 Bulgarian Air Squats each leg

20 Modified Pull Ups

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Workout for Friday June 17th

five rounds

30 Slams

5 Medicine Ball TGU each side

25 Jumping Slams

10 Medicine Ball V-Ups

20 Alternating Slams

20 Medicine Ball Russian Twist

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Workout for Thursday June 16th

Four Rounds

Snatch Complex (wide grip high pull/power snatch/snatch) x 5

20 Tire Sit Ups

15 Overhead Squats

10 Dips

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Workout for Wedneday June 15th

Four Rounds

5 Cleans

10 Burpees

100 Jump Rope

10 RDL

20 Belly Busters

Run the Stairs

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Workout for Tuesday June 14th

Four rounds

Bear Crawl 100 ft.

12 Modified Pull Ups

12 Step Ups each leg (18" women/24" men)

12 Hindu Push Ups

12 Flying Mountain Burpees

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Workout for Monday June 13th

Three Rounds

5 Floor Press each side

5 Half Get Ups each side

5 Windmills each side

5 Reverse Lunge Presses each side


Three Rounds

10 Swing Flip Squats

10 Bent Rows each side

10 Snatches each side

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Workout for Friday June 10th

AMRAP 30 Minutes

5 Hand Stand Push Ups ( modify if necessary)

10 Toes to Bar

5 Turkish Get Ups right

5 Wall Climbs

10 Knees to Elbows

5 Turkish Get Ups left

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Workout for Thursday June 9th

Three Rounds

10 Hang Power Cleans

Run The Stairs


100 Mountain Climbers


Three rounds

10 Front Squats

Two laps around the stairs

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Workout for Tuesday June 7th

Seven rounds

7 Deadlifts

7 Plyo Push Ups

7 Dumbbell Thrusters

7 Pull Ups

The Workout for Monday June 6th

Four Rounds:  50 Hammer Strikes alternating right and left/50 Mountain Climbers/50 Slams alternating right and left/50 Wall Ball/50 Close Stance DLHP (simulated rowing)

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Workout for Friday June 3rd (Amended)

Every 90 seconds perform 6 Kettlebell Rows each hand and then Hand-to-Hand Swings for the remainder of the 90 seconds.  Six rounds with no rest between rounds.

Every 90 seconds perform 6 Kettlebell Clean and Jerks each hand and then Two Handed Swings for the remainder of the 90 seconds. Six rounds with no rest between rounds.

One Turkish Get Up each side continuously for 5 minutes

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Workout for Friday June 3rd

For 15 minutes:  Every 90 seconds perform 6 Kettlebell Rows each arm, whatever time is left over until the next bell you will do hand-to-hand swings.
For 15 Minutes:  Every 90 seconds perform 6 Kettlebell Clean and Jerks each arm; whatever time is left over is your rest.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Wednesday, June 1, 2011