Three Rounds
3 Metabolic TGU w/alternating swing each side
3 Punch Get Ups each side
3 Turkish Get Ups
FxT is Functional Cross Training that incorporates kettlebells, calisthenics, Olympic weightlifting, sprinting, agility drills, metabolic conditioning and core strengthening to provide you with unprecedented levels of strength, endurance and mobility.
Three Rounds
3 Metabolic TGU w/alternating swing each side
3 Punch Get Ups each side
3 Turkish Get Ups
Row 1000 meters/10 Burpes
Row 750 meters/20 Burpees
Row 500 meters/30 Burpees
Row 250 meters/40 Burpees
EMOM (Every minute on the minute) for 30 minutes
Deadlift High Pull
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Squat Press
Clean and Push Press
5 Kb Suitcase each side
5 Bent Rows each side
X 5
10 Swings/10 American Swings/10 Double Swings
Run 200 Meters
X 5
30 seconds work/10 seconds rest
3 rounds
60 seconds rest between rounds
Reverse Lunge Swing right hand
Single Leg Bent Row right hand
X 3
Reverse Lunge Swing left hand
Single Leg Bent Row left hand
X 3
5 TGU each side
20 Belly Busters
20 Push Ups
20 Burpees
20 Calories on the Airdyne
AMRAP 25 minutes
Barbell Squat Press
Pull Up
Deadlift High Pull
13 Dumbbell Cleans
13 Body Rows
X 3
13 Dumbbell High Pulls
13 Knees to Elbows
X 3
13 Dumbbell Snatches
13 Back Extensions
30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest, 4 rounds, 60 second break between rounds.
With a Kettlebell
Clean and Press right
Clean and Press left
Goblet Squat
High Pull right
High Pull left
Alternating Reverse Lunge
Snatch right
Snatch left
8 Pull Ups
8 Dumbell Deadlifts (increase weight each set )
X 5
25 Hammer Drives
50 Mountain climbers
X 5
5 Front Squats
5 Deadlift High Pulls
X 5
Hang Muscle Clean & Press
30 Second Airdyne sprint
8 Pull Ups
8 Dumbbell Snatches each side
8 Ab Wheel rollout
X 8
6 Lleg Press
10 Double Kb Cleans
6 Kb Front Squats
10 Double Kb High Pulls
Five rounds
10 Hand to Hand Swings
10 Shooters Push Ups
10 Power Swings
10 One Arm Bent Rows each side
10 Snatches each side