Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Aren't You Motivated

A good dose of motivation can change your life almost overnight.

The best part of my job is seeing clients achieve results. Whether they drop a few sizes, lose the baby weight, get off their blood pressure meds, or shrink their waist the excitement is always contagious.

There really isn't a clear way to describe the euphoria that settles in once you've realized your fitness goal. You have to experience it.

Though each successful client is unique with different goals one element unites them.

They are all highly motivated.

I am in a unique position. I know how to get you into great shape. I can coach you through a 50 pound weight loss. I can guide you to a healthier body. I can even train you to be a finely tuned athlete.

But there is one catch.

You'll need to be motivated.

See, saying that you want to get into great shape isn't enough. You need motivation-and that's just half of the equation. The other part (and the most important) is ACTION.

Nothing happens until you take action.

You can want it, think about it, mull it over, ponder it, plan it, and then re-plan it. But nothing happens until you take action.

While I may not know your story-it's probably safe to assume that you are dissatisfied with your body and know that you can improve your fitness level. You want to look better, to have more energy, to experience fewer aches and pains, and to enjoy sweet satisfaction as you achieve your goals once and for all.

I know that all of my successful clients were once in your shoes. They wanted to change their bodies. They felt urgency. And then they did what most fail to do. They took action.

But there is more to it than that. They then committed to a program, put in the exercise, fixed their nutrition and met their goals. There's nothing more gratifying than getting back into those jeans that now sit in the back of your closet.

Those that take massive action get massive rewards. And those that simply talk about losing weight will continue to put weight on, pound after pound. I hate to put that way, but it's the truth.

So what do you want? How bad do you want it? How much motivation do you have? Enough to take MASSIVE ACTION?

The rewards are great... IF you do.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What about the kids?

A recent study from the University of Washington showed that more and more 2-year olds are regularly watching television. This sets the stage for a sedentary life with an increased risk for obesity and heart disease.

Now that last statement wasn't from the study - that was my own prediction.

But really, the statistics don't lie – a study done at Johns Hopkins concluded that a child's weight increases with the number of hours they spend in front of the television each day.

Are you cringing yet? What parent hasn't popped in a DVD to occupy the kids for a few hours?

And what about your child's diet? How often do you find yourself in the drive thru line ordering another cheeseburger and fries?

Childhood obesity is now described as an epidemic. It puts your child's health at risk, and makes them more susceptible to problems involving their cardiovascular systems, endocrine systems, and even their mental health. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, depression, and low self-esteem are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the problems looming over the heads of overweight children.

I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know. It doesn't take a study done at Johns Hopkins to discover that kids today are putting on weight in ways that we never did - you just have to open your eyes to notice.

The ‘why' is simple. It goes back to the basic equation for weight gain: energy in versus energy out. Kids eat too much and do too little.

But I have to ask... are you setting a good example by your eating habits? This may be a painful question to want to answer – but the truth sometimes hurts (and is good for us).

Maybe you've noticed that your child has begun to put on a little extra weight - what do you do about it? No matter what age your child is - weight is a sensitive issue.

What do your kids eat?
Think about your child's diet. Do they eat three balanced meals a day? Do they eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day? Are they limited in their servings of fried, processed, and sugary foods?

Maybe you aren't sure what your kids are eating. Do some investigation by observing and talking to them about what they eat.

Identify the foods your kids are eating that are rich in calories but lacking in nutritional value. Examples: candy, fast food, chips, cookies, soda pop, and pizza. Replace these foods with fresh nutrient dense foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy.

How much activity do your kids get?
Computers, video games, and satellite T.V. are our children's latest and greatest toys. Who has time to play outside when you are about to beat the hardest level, or your favorite show is about to start? Our kids participate in less physical activity and are more sedentary than any generation before.

Do you know how much physical activity your kids get each day? Some parents may think that kids are getting an hour of P.E. each day, only to find out that the school has dropped its P.E. classes.

A great way to encourage activity is to limit the time your children spend on sedentary activities, such as T.V and video games. Sign your kids up on a local sports team so that they can run and be active with other kids. Take the whole family to the park on a weekend instead of gathering in front of the T.V.

Monkey see monkey do

This issue really boils down to one factor: Parental Example. Your kids watch what you do even when you wish they wouldn't, and this is certainly true when it comes to diet and exercise.

Do you model good eating habits, or do your kids see you indulge? Do you exercise regularly, or do your kids see you on the couch in front of the television all weekend?

As a parent, it is your unique responsibility to teach your children the habits that lead to good health. Since you know that obese children have a greater chance of remaining obese into adulthood, thus greatly increasing the likelihood of serious health problems, this isn't a responsibility that you take lightly.

If your eating habits and activity level have slipped it may be time for you to turn things around. It's never too late to set a positive example for your kids – the key is to act now.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Work smart and hard.

"Work smarter, not harder" is a phrase thrown around by those who think they found shortcuts to the things the rest of us struggle to achieve. In some areas this valid advice. I believe however that the two aren't mutually exclusive as far as fitness and weight loss are concerned. To achieve your goals, you'll have to work smart and hard with consistency. There aren't any shortcuts despite what you've been led to believe by the infomercial hucksters. A defined program that challenges you to improve your physical performance will yield far greater results than a routine that is well inside your "comfort zone". However that doesn't mean that you should work yourself to exhaustion with every workout. Varying the volume, duration and type of workout, along with having planned days of recuperation is the best way to stay mentally and physically "fresh" and to insure that you will reap the rewards on your efforts.