Thursday, April 30, 2020

FxT Workout April 30th 2020

-Mountain Climbers 
-Plank (hold for the number of seconds)
-High Knees
20 Frog Sit Ups

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

FxT Workout April 29th 2020

Right Hand Farmer’s Walk 75 steps (Heavy Dumbbell, kettlebell, loaded backpack, 5 gallon water jug, etc)
15 Burpees
Left Hand Farmer’s Walk 75 steps
15 Burpees
X 5
Push through with as little rest as possible

FxT Workout April 28th 2020

10 Push Up to Side Plank
10 Star Jumps

10 Hindu Push Ups
20 Jumping Jacks

10 Inchworms w/Push Up
10 Tuck Jumps

Monday, April 27, 2020

FxT Workout April 27th 2020

-Unweighted Walking Lunges
-Mountain Climbers each side 
-Swings (Kettlebell, dumbbell or whatever you can hold with two hands)
-Air Squats

Friday, April 24, 2020

FxT Workout April 24th 2020

8 Rounds
10 Dips or 20 Bench Dips
Run 200 meters (or 100 Mountain Climbers, 2 minutes on an elliptical or treadmill)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

FxT Workout April 22nd 2020

15 Modified Pull Ups

10 Hand Towel Slides

X 5

5 Isometric Seated Rows (10 second hold, 1 second relax = one repetition)

10 Plank Rotations

X 5


15 Burpees, one minute rest X 5

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

FxT Workout April 21st 2020

Push Ups
Dumbbell Squat Press each side
Russian Twist each side

Monday, April 20, 2020

FxT Workout April 20th 2020

30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest:
Step Ups right leg 
Step Ups left leg
Hold a Deep Squat
Squat Jump 
Rest for one minute and repeat, five rounds total.

Friday, April 17, 2020

FxT Workout April 17th 2020

10 Bird Dog Push Ups

20 Side to Side Squat Jumps
X 5

20 Bench Dips with leg kick (10 right, 10 left)

60 Mountain Climbers 
X 5

10 Walk Back Burpees, 45 seconds rest

X 5

Thursday, April 16, 2020

FxT Workout April 16 2020

4 Turkish Get Ups each side (Kettlebell, dumbbell, water jug, loaded backpack etc)
16 Standing Broad Jumps
20 Plank with alternating leg lift
20 One Hand Swings each side (Kettlebell, dumbbell, water jug, loaded backpack etc) 
X 5

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

FxT Workout April 14th 2020

Warm up
Two Rounds of:
20 Jumping Jack's 
15 Squats
10 Push Ups 
20 Alternating Reverse Lunges 
10 Rollouts (ab wheel, stability ball, skateboard, pair of roller blades can all be used for this one)
X 5
10 Squat Jumps with a pause at the bottom
Plank with 20 Alternating Knee Tucks
X 5
10 Single Leg Deadlifts (with a water jug, medicine ball, dumbbell, kettlebell etc)
40 Russian Twists with same weight used for deadlifts
X 5

Sunday, April 12, 2020

FxT Workout April 13th 2020

10 Inchworms w/Push Up
Reverse Plank Hold for 30 seconds
Plank with Hip Dip, 10 dips per side
X 5
100 Mountain Climbers
10 Double Burpees (every burpee contains two push ups and two jumps)
X 5

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

FxT Workout April 9th 2020

Set a timer for 8 intervals of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest. Perform the following circuit 5 times with a one minute rest between circuits:
1. Hollow Hold
2. V-Sit Hold
3. Russian Twists ( no weight)
4. Side Plank right 
5. Side Plank left
6. Elbow Plank
7. Superman Hold
8. Burpess

FxT Workout April 8th 2020

Run 1/4 mile (or 600 meter row, 2 minute sprint on an elliptical, 90 seconds jump rope, 120 mountain climbers)
20 Push Ups 
20 Frog Sit Ups
20 Superman 
X 6

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

FxT Workout April 7th 2020

Five Rounds:
Five 3 Step Turkish Get Ups each side.
Run in place, every 10 steps do a Squat Thrust. That equals 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Monday, April 6, 2020

FxT Workout April 6th 2020

With a single weight ( dumbbell,  kettlebell or....)
30 Overhead Walking Lunges (switch hands after 15 steps)
10 Inchworms 
X 5
Dumbell Snatches each side
Squat Jumps

Thursday, April 2, 2020

FxT Workout April 3rd 2020

Bulgarian Squats each leg
Bench Dips

FxT Workout April 2nd 2020

Set a timer for 30 minutes. Grab a bulky, moderately heavy, preferably awkward object such as a bag of dog food, or a loaded plastic tote. Walk 50 steps with it around the yard, or around the house. Set it down and do 10 Push Ups and 20 unweighted squats. Repeat this cycle as many times as possible in the 30 minute period. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

FxT Workout April 1st 2020

Dumbbell, Kettlebell or whatever's handy:
Squat Press each side
Inchworm w/Push Up
One Hand Swing each side