Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's Time For a Burpee Challenge

As we approach the hot, hot summer months it becomes harder to engage in many outdoor fitness activities. So how is one to maintain a level of cardio fitness without either braving the searing heat, getting up at 4am to avoid the heat or spending countless mind numbing hours on some health club machine? I think the perfect answer is: burpees. The burpee is a high intensity movement that is great for increasing cardiovascular fitness along with a measure of core strength. The burpee is performed in this sequence: Squat until your hands touch the ground; kick both feet back into a push up position; drop your body to the ground; push off the ground, maintaining a plank and avoiding arching of the back; pull both feet up to as close to the hands as possible; jump with both hands overhead; land and repeat. Do a set of 10 and you'll quickly get a taste of the effectiveness of this movement. They are a worthy addition to any exercise program.

Because they can be performed in large volumes burpees are a good candidate for inclusion in fitness challenges, so I am proposing this one: The 100 Day Burpee Challenge. Many of you have participated in this challenge before, bur for the uninitiated it goes like this: On day one you will perform one burpee. One each day thereafter you add one burpee per day until you reach day 100. Simple, right?

The challenge starts Monday, June 2nd and ends on Tuesday, September 9th. Enjoy.

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