Monday, January 2, 2012


Everyone makes resolutions at this time of the year. Quit smoking. Lose weight. Exercise. Eat better. Quite frankly, resolutions are one of the driving forces in my business. Droves of people will join gyms, buy exercise equipment, exercise DVDs, diet books and hire trainers to chase down that elusive resolution driven goal. Despite that, I am not in favor of the New Year's resolution. Don't get me wrong. Making the decision to change things for the better especially regarding your health and fitness is a fantastic thing. The problem is that 90% of people who make a New Year's resolution will break it, with fully one third not making it to February! The reasons are many. Nebulous goals, lack of planning, lack of true commitment top the list. In light of that, my suggestion is this: If you feel compelled to make a resolution, try resolving to be honest with yourself, cut the excuses and make the changes you need to make throughout the year. Become a person of action. Identify the issues as they arise and handle them. Don't wait for arbitrary calender dates or anything else to stop smoking, lose weight, exercise or eat better. If it's a Wednesday in the middle of March and you know you need to start exercising regularly, don't pull up the calender app and pick that optimal day to start working out; in the 5 minutes it takes you to do that you could have performed a Tabata interval workout. Do whatever you can do to be a person of action. Have a plan of attack. Less talk. More action. No excuses. Make the changes. Get it done.

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