Friday, December 14, 2007


Back outside today as the skies have finally cleared, but man was it freezing! At least by Arizona Standards, 38 degrees is arctic. Not to worry though, as everyone will be warm enough in short order. Warmed up with a little jump rope, and then dove right in.
1)Half Get Ups, 10x right and left
2)Walking Overhead Lunges, uphill and back down
3)Snatches with two dumbbells 15 reps

Three times through the circuit, 90 second rest between rounds. Then on to:

Lunge chops with two dumbbells 10x right and left, three sets.

Finished with 30/30 sprints. They go as follows: On a thirty yard course marked by cones, sprint back and forth between the cones for thirty seconds, then walk for thirty seconds, sprint for thirty seconds, walk for thirty and so on. Completed a total of 8 sprint/walk intervals and called it a morning finishing with stretching.

Everyone welcomed the increased intensity brought by this deceptively tough workout.

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