Monday, December 10, 2007

Kickin' Off Week Three

The weekend rain left the field virtually unusable, so it was onto the concrete for today's workout. Dumbbells, medicine balls and jump rope are the tools for the day. Did a four station circuit workout, with each station lasting 30 seconds for max reps. the staions were:
1)Medicine Ball Clean
2)Push Press
3)Jump Rope
4)Squat to Upright Row
Four rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds. 3 minute rest, and then it was on to the "man maker" drills. Borrrowed from kettlebell training protocol, the drills consist of performing a full body movement with running between sets as active rest. The movement of the day was Dumbbell Snatches. 3 sets, 8 reps each hand, run to the light post and back between sets, approximatelty 80 yards round trip.

The rain returned right as we finished, and everyone ran for the cars, foregoing any stretching.

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