Friday, December 7, 2007

Week Two Draws to a Close

After a joint mobility warm up and running a lap around the perimeter of the soccer field, we got into the workout. Everyone is making great progress in strength, stamina and functionality. Today is a Tabata style bodyweight workout featuring 20 seconds of work with ten seconds rest for six sets with each set being a different exercise. Maximum number of reps per set was the goal, with the exercises being:
1)Jumping Jacks
2)Push Ups
4)Squat Thrusts
6)Mountain Climbers
This circuit was performed four times with 1 minute rest between each. 3 minutes rest, then it was on to the agility course. Carrying an 8lb medicine ball, run forward, sideways, backwards around a set of cones, finishing with a sprint over hurdles, five times through. Then four sets of line drills with participants running in pairs. Cool down stretch.

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