Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away....

The uncharachteristic wet weather forced us indoors for todays session, so we met at the studio at the usual time and got to it. Since there was equipment available, I decided to put it to use in todays workout. We performed three different circuits, Circuit 1 consisted of two rounds of:
1)Push Ups
2)Jumping Pull Ups
3)Sand Bag Squats
4)Belly Blasters(kind of a plank in motion)
30 seconds each set, 15 seconds rest in between sets. 1 minute rest between circuits.
Two minute break and then on to the next circuit.

Circuit 2 was two rounds of:
1)Push Ups
2)Medicine Ball Slams
3)Kettlebell Deadlift
4)Crunches on a Stability ball
30 seconds each set, 15 seconds rest in between sets. 1 minute rest between circuits. Heart rates were high, but after a two minute rest, we pushed on.

Circuit 3 two rounds of
1)Kettlebell Swings
2)Reverse Lunges w/25# medicine ball
3)Elliptical Sprint
4)Modified Pull Ups on Squat Rack
30 seconds each set, 15 seconds rest in between sets. 1 minute rest between circuits

Everyone was pretty well smoked at the end, but there were smiles all around as they knew that there is no way they could handled this in the first week.

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